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The BODM Line Blog
Welcome to The BODM Line blog!

This blog is my online direct link to you. I intend to use it to comment, answer questions,
share new stuff from recent practices, or maybe just babble. I have no schedule in mind.

I also want to encourage you to e-mail me questions about The BODM Line. The FAQ page is based
on questions I've gotten face-to-face over the last couple of years. So if you want to know how this a
pplies to your team or your offense or whatever, ask!

By the way, I primarily work with female athletes. So I tend to use "she" and "her" in discussions unless I'm specifically talking about a men's team.  This doesn't mean The BODM Line applies any less to the male athlete. If you have specific questions about any differences there might be,  please ask!

I you want to respond to anything I say here, or have questions, or want to tell me I'm
full of crap,  e-mail me! I'll add it to the original post and respond!

Send me a question! Comment! Cheap shot!


Hey all, it's hard to miss the fact that I've not added to the blog in a while.
A  LONG while.
There are a three reasons for that. The animation project is one. It's
required an insane amount of time. That on top of the camps and clinics and practices. More on the animation project soon.
The second reason is that, well, each time I've sat down to write I get started and I
realize gee that sounds familiar because I've written it before. The blog has always
been about the philosophy behind the system and my philosophy hasn't changed.
The third reason is that I discovered my web provider has changed the way my site works and I can no longer post new blogs unless I cough up more money.
SO, that said...
I still believe every player at every level can learn to read, and ultimately they
will HAVE to whether we teach them or not.
I still believe that we make team defense unnecessarily difficult for our players.
I still believe every team out there is capable of good, no, GREAT team defense. If they're
not playing good defense it's because we're not teaching them. Unlike where
offense is limited when a team is small, defense holds no such limitation.
I still believe that over-all the team defense information out there is limited and inadequate. There is no reason that there can be two teams reasonably well matched physically and one can be heads and shoulders above the other in team defense. Both teams have access to the same books and camps and clinics as we all do. If the conventional  approach to team defense is effective, then
I still believe that The BODM Line is the most efficient, effective way there is to teach team defense. At any age, at any level of play.
So read on. I will not recycle old stuff and try to convince you it's
new stuff. If you have questions, send me an e-mail. It may take a day
but I will always answer.
Wow, that kinda sounded like a blog...

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

What is repeatable and what do you remember for next time?

Just finished the High School season and watched an interesting contrast in some of our players. We had several players, while not really beginners, were very much novices at playing the level of game we coach. We have a great defense and we run a fast offense with a certain amount of deception. We need to do this because we aren’t stacked with a bunch of big bangers. We are in a very competitive conference. In order to be competitive, we’re running a fairly advanced level of play with a lot of fairly inexperienced kids.

This causes some interesting situations, particularly in the mental side of the game.

One thing in particular I noticed this season revolves around what players “remember for next time” when they learn a new skill. The some concept applies to coaches as well, but we’ll get to that later.

So imagine a young “home run king” stepping up to bat. Here comes the pitch. He takes a breath, closes his eyes, swings as hard as he can and belts one over the fence.

What does he remember? Certainly he remembers how good it felt to hit, run the bases and have his team waiting for him at the plate. But what does he remember about the swing? Getting up to bat?

What if he remembers “hey I closed my eyes and swung as hard as I could”? Is THAT what’s going to make him successful the next time he comes to the plate?

He SHOULD remember his stance. His balance. His weight shift. His calm focus. His grip on the bat. Which bat he chose. His timing. If he does, golden. If he doesn’t, he’ll struggle.

So, back to volleyball. A hitter, mostly middle. Going over and over everything to turn her into a reliable, effective attacker. Transition. Approach. Timing. Communication. Position under the ball. Seeing the blockers.

She goes up, gets off a good swing, beats the block. Celebrates. Happy she got the kill.

Then immediately goes back and forgets everything that got her there. No transition, no communication, poor timing, bad position on the ball. Those little pain-in-the-ass details. Back to hitting the ball into the net. The bottom of the net.

She remembers that she swung hard and how good it felt.

A constant struggle all season.

By contrast, another hitter that believed early on that if she worked on those pieces, and didn’t try to hit the crap out of the ball every time, the power would come. Her approach, footwork, timing, communication all becoming more and more automatic as the season progressed. And guess what. Not only is she hitting smart, she’s hitting hard. Solid. Dependable. Golden.

She remembered and worked on all those little pain-in-the-ass details.

Oh yeah, she gets to celebrate too. A lot.

So why do you care? What do you do with this?

If you are simply aware that some (or all) of the players on your court are only remembering the “swing hard” part, you can direct your attention accordingly. Go back to those details as often as it takes to not have to. You can identify what the issue really is other than “she just doesn’t get it” or “she’s not trying hard enough”.

Once you quantify it you can deal with it.

What do you remember as a coach? Do you remember that awesome, physical, hard hitting team you had that were so good that you “threw balls at ‘em and got out of the way” all the way to the championship? Or do you remember that struggling, hard-working group of over-achievers that took every detail you could think of to squeeze out a second-place finish that surprised everyone?

Do you remember teaching all the little pieces and relishing the results or do you remember standing back and basking in the glow of that team that was so good anyone could have coached them to a winning season?

Which team do most groups more closely resemble now and which way do you prefer to coach?

Just food for thought.

Sun, November 29, 2009 | link

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Great team defense is based on

What you look for and where you look for it!!

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